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ACM puts customers first.

AtlasNet Customer Manager (ACM), a new application Atlas introduced this year, is a pioneering piece of technology that demonstrates the value of good customer service. Each Atlas Van Lines client is equally important as the next, and ACM is designed to compile a complete database of customer information to make their move process quicker and smoother. 

Computer screenshot“A customer’s move information will now be shared amongst the entire agency family in one centralized location. This will help the move process go a lot more smoothly for both the customer and the agent, “ said Quin Isaac, Manager, Pricing & Contracts at Atlas Van Lines. “ACM helps demonstrate to the customer that they matter.” 

Atlas has always built systems and applications based on agents’ needs. Once agents began asking for a more efficient way to index customer information in the group of move process applications, Atlas answered with ACM. 

AtlasNet Customer Manager follows the same workflow as the existing Atlas systems; it simply ties them all together in one platform. It eliminates dual entry of move information, allowing it to flow forward and backward from one application to another. 

“While it follows the same path as the current applications, now you can access information in just one place, rather than entering each of the different applications and piecing it together,” explained Patricia Mabe, Coordinator at Smith Dray Line (2274). “There is no duplicate data entry or transferring of information from one system to another. ACM allows me to start the customers move process and adjust as I work through scheduling a survey, working up an estimate, and sending their information along to dispatch.”

Many benefits of ACM come after a move is booked, and the agent receives quick access to the shipment information and move status. However, Atlas Agents also benefit from ACM before they even seal the deal. 

“Being able to search the system in this manner helps agents determine if a customer has previously moved with Atlas or if they’re currently working with another agent to obtain an estimate or survey,” said Quin. “This helps all parties save time and aids a more efficient move process.” 

“It also saves time because the sales representative can do everything prior to booking the move through ACM,” added Debbie Wilkerson, Senior Project Specialist in Pricing & Contracts at Atlas. “We’ve always tied everything to an order number, but this associates everything to a customer. ACM helps minimize the amount of work done, because an estimate and a survey can be completed without a registration number.” 

Atlas Agents can begin to use AtlasNet Customer Manager with no learning curve and take full advantage of ACM as a solution to efficient customer service.