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AMSA Elects Atlas Chairman & CEO to Chairmanship

Glen Dunkerson speaking at AMSA event
In February, members of the American Moving & Storage Association elected Glen Dunkerson, Chairman & CEO of Atlas World Group, to serve as their organization’s Chairman of the Board. AMSA is a nonprofit trade group and the only national association for full-service moving companies. It represents more than 4,000 companies across the United States and internationally. As Chairman, Glen will assume the industry’s most visible leadership post for the next two years. He brings to it a wealth of experience from a career spanning 37 years with Atlas.

Amplifier: Congratulations, Mr. Chairman, on being selected to lead AMSA. Will you share a little about the organization with our readers? 

Glen: Thank you. AMSA is the voice of the moving industry, and we are naturally engaged in lobbying. We talk to legislators so they understand our perspective on issues that affect our members’ livelihoods. We also get involved in consumer education. We want people to be well-informed consumers of moving and storage services.

AmplifierDoes AMSA have an agenda, or can you tell us which issues are a priority?

Glen: Certainly. Over the coming months, AMSA will be engaged on several fronts. We are lobbying for legislation that requires brokers and forwarders to follow the same rules as carriers. We are also working with the FMCSA to safeguard consumers against unethical operators, or “rogue movers.” In this regard, AMSA operates the ProMover program to verify the professionalism of its members. Every Atlas agent carries this designation. But more needs to be done at the regulatory level to protect consumers. We’re also committed to making business better. We want to simplify the paperwork required for household goods shipments. We seek a permanent rollback of the 34-hour restart rule in the FMCSA’s hours of service. We support keeping the moving tax deduction in force. And we are pressing the FMCSA to remove reporting CSA scores to the public. We believe transparency can be a valuable tool for consumer education and protection. But the system in place now is gravely flawed. It doesn't do justice to business or to consumers.

Amplifier: Do you plan to address any other issues? 

Glen: Yes. Our country needs a highway and infrastructure funding bill. It is critical not only for commerce, but for the safety of everyone who travels in motor vehicles. We also want to help prevent the kind of legislative errors that led to the passage of the overzealous air quality measure in California. We support efforts to improve our environment, yet we see that law as a glaring reminder of our need for constant vigilance.

Amplifier: Is there anything else you’d like readers to know? 

Glen: There is one more thing. May is National Moving Month. It’s also the start of a busy four months for the millions of people who move and the professionals who help them. If you get the chance, I suggest you hug your mover!