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Glen Dunkerson at event
In late September, southwest Indiana celebrated a year of major milestones and recognized six individuals for their commitment to regional business at the Annual Meeting and Dinner held by the Southwest Indiana Chamber. One of the individuals honored was Atlas® Chairman & CEO Glen Dunkerson, who was named the 2016 Richard A. Schlottman Business Person of the Year.

The award honors standout individuals serving as advocates and leaders within the Evansville-area business community. Its recipients go above and beyond the normal call of duty and are actively involved in community and commerce activities that contribute to the Chamber’s mission.

“I have always valued the work conducted by the Southwest Indiana Chamber, and this recognition is truly an honor,” said Glen. “Although Atlas’ footprint extends the globe, it has and will always be of the utmost importance to support the business and community initiatives that continue to impact this great city we call home.”

The Richard Schlottman Business Person of the Year Award is the latest in a series of recent accolades and accomplishments recognizing Atlas World Group’s community impact. The company was named the Chamber’s Norman P. Wagner Business of the Year in 2015. Atlas World Group also earned a 2016 Torch Award from the Tri-State Better Business Bureau.

This is also a big year for the Southwest Indiana Chamber. The Association of Chamber Commerce Executives named the Evansville-based group 2016 Chamber of the Year this past August.