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When Glen Dunkerson leaves the building on January 3, it will be 40 years to the day he hired on with the company as a dispatch trainee. During his career he has held management positions in the Relocation Services Group, Claims Administration, and Specialized Transportation Group (STG). He became President & COO of Atlas Van Lines in 2006 and two years later was named CEO & Vice Chairman of Atlas World Group. He has served as Chairman since 2009. Among other things, Glen was instrumental in developing the World Class Commitment and Milton M. Hill Quality Award programs.

“I started my business the same year Glen joined Atlas,” says Alvin Tanaka, Principal with Pacific Transfer (1579). “We became well acquainted after Glen took on leadership roles.”

Alvin says Glen reminds him of a boy scout—trustworthy, straightforward, and dependable. “And he has a lighthearted side—he can kid around. I’ve really enjoyed my friendship with Glen.”

“Glen started in Atlas operations when I was a zone manager,” says Mike Shaffer, retired Atlas Chairman. “He was a conscientious worker—he put his all into whatever he did.”

Like everyone, Glen had good days—and days that could have been better. Like the time he tried to help a PVO who was empty in Nebraska.

“Glen convinced the man to take a load to Reno, Nevada, and Baltimore, Maryland,” says Mike. “It did not end well—I’m pretty sure one of the shipments was late.”

“Both shipments were late,” says Glen. “As I recall, the driver parked the truck and went hunting.”

That minor fiasco paled in comparison to the one Glen would face when the housing market collapsed.

“Glen was CEO during the most difficult economic time our industry has ever seen,” says Tom Shetler Jr., President of Shetler Moving & Storage (1830). “He was solid as a rock. Under his leadership Atlas stayed strong and grew, even though the industry declined.”

Tom sees in Glen a personal style that has been a good fit for Atlas.

“Glen is conservative in his manner, reserved, a hard and steady worker,” says Tom. “He brought good people up to help lead. And he represented Atlas well in the community by his leadership for United Way and his service to Rotary Club.”

So what’s in store for Glen’s next journey?

“My wife and I plan to help with grand-parenting and take some time to travel,” says Glen. “I’ve been to a lot of places in this country on business, but now we will actually have the chance to see them as tourists.”

Your Atlas family wishes all the best
to you both. Drop us a postcard!