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One lot over from Walker Transfer (2114) in Kenova, WV, grows a garden full of corn, green beans, turnips, peas, onions and other veggies galore. When you pass by, it looks like your ordinary plentiful garden. When you learn the story behind it, you’ll realize there’s more than meets the eye.

Food Revolution
The idea started when well-known chef Jamie Oliver visited neighboring town Huntington to film an episode of his show Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. While speaking at a local school, Jamie Oliver held up a french fry and a potato, only to realize the students recognized the fry, but couldn't identify the potato.

After hearing this story, Marcia Daniels, COO at Walker Transfer, and the First Baptist Church of Kenova knew they had to do something to help families and children in their community learn about food and healthy eating habits.

All Together Now
“The purpose of the garden is to educate children about how to take care of a garden and where our food comes from,” said Marcia. “Our children know fast food better than real food.”

During growing season, families from the church can be seen out in the garden picking, weeding and watering the rows. But most importantly, they’re learning.

Marcia made sure the garden wasn't just a community effort, but also a company effort. Walker Transfer acts as “the little elf in the background, in case it gets away from people,” she says.

“Our drivers will stretch the hoses from Walker out to the garden and water it in their down time. We keep it tilled and watered, so the families can come and pick the fruit and vegetables and see where the food comes from. We all have fingers out there helping.”