
The online news magazine of Atlas® World Group.


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Palmer Moving Services (1641), one of the newest members of the Atlas agent family, has taken company spirit to a new high. During an Atlas regional meeting earlier this year, President Jeff Palmer was called out to stand before the crowded room and showcase the belt he was wearing. What sparked the attention towards what most would consider to be normal everyday attire, was the special embellishment embroidered on the front - an Atlas truck (which can be seen pictured below). How Jeff came by this exquisite accessory is a heartwarming story.

In 2010, Jeff’s son David moved to the Dominican Republic and started the Joan Rose Foundation to “improve the lives of vulnerable Haitian children and their families.” The foundation now operates from Jacmel, Haiti, providing food, uniforms and tuition, and medical supplies to families in need. In addition to classroom studies, it teaches children responsibility, accountability, and other building blocks of character to prepare them for futures that break the cycle of poverty.

While visiting home one Christmas, David witnessed a family friend make a needlepoint belt. It then occurred to him that he could teach Haitian mothers the same trade, as a majority of families are led by a single adult, most often being the mother or grandmother, who have limited earning opportunities due to their responsibilities at home. This was when the idea of Good Threads was born.

David turned this idea into a reality and Good Threads now employs 200 heads of Haitian households. Their service line expanded to not only needlepoint belts, but to dog collars and keychains as well. Workers earn five times the average Haitian wage, and five percent of all revenue goes to feed impoverished children in need. The sale of just one belt provides 15 hot meals.

So, hats off to Jeff Palmer and his family. Not only do they represent Atlas in style, they are wonderful accessories to a worthy cause! Want your own needlepoint merchandise? Find out more about the wonderful work of Good Threads and see their stunning products at: goodthreadsllc.com

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