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Rookie of the Year: Eric Klause

AITC_Rookie-of-the-Year_Eric-Klause-(1).pngEvery year, the American Moving and Storage Association acknowledges outstanding Professional Van Operators and owner-operators during the Super Van Operator Awards. The winners of these prestigious accolades are individuals who exude the best in safe, dependable, and customerfocused household goods truck transportation. The benchmark used to judge all possible candidates is very in depth, so winning is no small feat. Atlas® is proud to recognize one exceptional individual that received an award during the 2017 event, Eric Klause.

Eric Klause has been with A-1 Moving & Storage (0087), since his childhood. He began working at his father’s business during his high school summers. After graduating, he began an eight-year long career as a firefighter and later returned to the company in 2012 full-time.

Eric received the Rookie of the Year Award during the AMSA awards ceremony. “I am incredibly honored to not only be nominated by our van line, but also to be chosen for this award. I believe agents can more effectively recruit younger drivers by recognizing someone's potential at a young age and pairing them with seasoned, successful PVOs so they learn how to properly handle a relocation and get a better understanding of the fulfillment a career as a PVO can provide.”

PVO Snapshot: William Blakely

AITC_PVO-Snapshot-–-William-Blakely.pngIn this edition of the Amplifier,® we are highlighting Professional Van Operator, William 'Tyler' Blakely. William with Alexander's Mobility Services (0207), has been a PVO for the past 15 years. Born and raised in Chattanooga, TN, he got into the business right out of high school at just 18-years-old.

Over the years, William has learned the ins and outs of the business and has set the bar high for customer service. Multiple comments have been received regarding his top-notch behavior, attention to cleanliness, and demeanor that truly serve as a role model to other PVOs in the industry.

One of Alexander’s largest clients has named William as “not only a visual banner for the company, but as an advocate for Alexander’s in his heart and soul.”

William contributes his success to some fundamental aspects that he believes to be important for all movers in the business. “Trailer cleanliness is simple,” he said. “It is your first impression that is everything. Uniform, trailer, floor protection, appearance–that all matters to me. I've stayed up until midnight folding pads just so I show up looking top notch to the customer.”

When asked to provide some tips for other professional operators, William said that “advice for others is as simple as this: If you love what you do, you will be good at it and always strive to be better.” “If you hate your job and are only there for the money, you will take shortcuts and lack the passion that someone does who loves this business.”