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Ace Relocation Systems (0062) has been taking a stand against cancer in a big way. In October of last year, Ace Relocation participated in a walk for "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer®" and even had a dunk tank on site as an additional fundraising event for the American Cancer Society® (ACS).

Ace Relocation has worked with the ACS since 2005 and Larry Lammers, President and CEO, and Dan Lammers, VP of Operations, have made giving back a priority that resonates throughout the company. Their involvement stems from not only this organization’s worthy cause, but also from the direct impact it’s had on the Ace Relocation family. A few employees have been diagnosed with cancer since they began their efforts nearly 15 years ago, one of whom being Larry and Dan’s father and founder of Ace Relocation, Reg, who lost his battle to cancer in 2008. The close ties cancer has had to the company has made this a mission that is near and dear to their heart.

The walk that Ace sponsored last fall took place at their headquarters in San Diego, CA. There were 25 employees who participated in the event including Larry, who promised to wear a pink tutu if their goal was met. The group named themselves “Reg and Kathy’s Team, On the Move for a Cure”, which was a special call out to Larry and Dan’s parents.

The dunk tank was a fundraiser independent of the walk itself but proceeds still went to the same fund. Dan Lammers MC’d the event and was even one of the dunk tank participants himself raising the most money for the cause.

To date, Ace Relocation has raised over $80,000 since they began in 2005, but their efforts have really ramped up over the past couple of years. They have committed to certain sponsorship levels and have worked effortlessly to meet them. The company has even agreed to match what employees raise. Just last year, the dunk tank event raised $9,000 with another $4,000 raised from miscellaneous events. With the company match, that brought the total to $25,000 raised in 2019 alone.

To learn more about Ace Relocation Systems visit: www.acerelocation.com
To learn more about how to get involved with the American Cancer Society® visit: www.cancer.org