Moving Tips & Tools

We understand there are many moving parts when relocating your life. That’s why Atlas® offers helpful tips and tools to ensure every step of your move goes as smoothly as possible.




Pets and car travel.

Car travel is the most popular way to move with pets. It provides a feeling of security for your pet and for you, and it's less expensive than air travel. Driving with pets can go smoothly and even be fun when you follow these moving tips.



  • Take your pet on short rides before the trip. This will get it used to the motion of the car and prepare you for safer driving with your baby on board.
  • If your pet is prone to motion sickness or anxiety, ask your vet about medications to lessen the symptoms.
  • Do not feed or give water to your dog or cat for a few hours before you leave to reduce the chance of motion sickness.
  • Get an individual dish for food and water for each pet.
  • Pack a leash, grooming brush, favorite toy, blanket, and extra towels in the vehicle.
  • If you’re staying somewhere overnight, buy a room deodorizer for the hotel.


  • Only feed your pet once a day to prevent vomiting.
  • Make frequent stops for water and exercise.
  • Keep your pet on a leash at all times for its protection—and yours.
  • While riding in the car, do not let your pet hang out the window. Dirt and insects can get in its eyes, causing irritation and infection.
  • Keep windows locked to prevent your pet from lowering the window and jumping out.
  • Keep your pet in its carrier if it's acting nervous or distracting you while driving.
  • Leave the windows cracked between an inch and inch-and-a-half if you don’t have air conditioning in your car. Pets need plenty of fresh air when the weather is hot or when they're prone to motion sickness. Gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, fish and other small animals are more sensitive than larger animals to hot and cold so check on them regularly and adjust your the heating and air accordingly.
  • Do not leave your pet alone in the car! If you must leave the pet in the car lock the doors and check on it every few minutes. If the weather is warm, crack windows for cross-ventilation and provide water. Even on a cloudy day, extreme heat inside a car can be fatal to your pet in as little as 10 minutes. In winter, a car that isn't running can quickly become like a freezer.Take a supply of water from home to prevent your pet from getting an upset stomach from unfamiliar water.
  • Avoid messy spills by putting away dishes of water and food while the car is moving.
  • Keep bird carriers and plastic bags filled with fish covered with a blanket to help keep them calm.


  • If you anticipate overnight stops, book pet-friendly lodging in advance.
  • Never leave a pet alone in the car overnight.
  • If you are traveling with a snake, let it soak for about an hour in four inches of warm water (between 100 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit) in the bathtub once you have checked in.
  • Try not to leave your pet alone in a hotel room. If you must leave your pet in a room unattended, notify the desk and display the Do Not Disturb sign on the door.