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Atlas-Logistics_Wahl-Kohl_Title-Header-(1).pngJason Kohl, Vice President and General Manager, Titan (left)
with Phil Wahl, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Atlas Logistics (right)

TEAM to Launch December 3.

In 1969, Neil Armstrong stepped from the Eagle module onto the surface of the moon. That same year, the company known today as Titan® Global Distribution was taking its first steps in business. Technology has advanced at dizzying speed since that historic year. Now, it takes another giant step for Atlas® with the launch of TEAM (Titan Electronic Account Management).

“Essentially, TEAM brings state-of-the-art tools to Titan’s order and warehouse management,” says Phil Wahl, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Atlas Logistics.® “It provides full visibility of projects for everyone who needs it.”

Atlas invested in TEAM after consultation with Fieldpoint, a Canadian software company specialized in field-service management. TEAM is cloud-based and fully integrates with AWG’s financial systems. It also offers capabilities for enterprise resource planning (ERP) and integrates with the current customer relationship management (CRM). Translation: It makes doing business a whole lot smarter and easier.

“TIS, our prior system, served us well into the new millennium” says Jason Kohl, Vice President and General Manager, Titan. “Now TEAM makes us totally digital and mobile—and puts us again at the forefront of automated business management.”

Enjoy the View from the Portal.

TEAM provides a means to see all the parts and players in large and complex projects—the kind Titan manages for hospitality and healthcare clients. Such projects often involve the installation of furniture, fixtures, and equipment for hundreds of units. Typically, materials flow in and out of warehouses from multiple shippers, arriving at the job site according to a synchronized plan.

“When goods come into the warehouse, the receiver logs them into inventory, using a mobile or desktop device,” says Jason. “Our customers can then go to their portal to see and manage the inventory. The system also automates requests for return authorizations, as for damaged goods.”  

The portal is a communications hub for sharing information as needed. Users can control how they receive alerts and updates. They also have the ability to build their own custom dashboards and manage multiple projects.

Logistics Continuity.

Atlas-Logistics_Chuck-Moyer-(1).png“Our strategic priority has been to get all of Atlas Logistics—STG, brokerage, and Titan—on the same operating platform,” says Phil. “With the TEAM foundation in place, we can work on bringing all systems together.”

“There is a lot more to come in terms of business enhancements,” says Jason. “We have a highly flexible system, and the potential for upgrades and additional features is virtually limitless.”


Titan project pro, Chuck Moyer, Director
of Technology, prepares for the December
launch of TEAM, the new project and
inventory management system.