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Group of Atlas employees at the Atlas booth at SHRM 2015

A group of representatives from multiple Atlas Agencies and Atlas HQ trekked to Las Vegas in late June to ​set up shop at the annual Convention and Expo of the Society for Human Resources Management ( SHRM). In total, more than 630 exhibiting companies filled over 30 aisles with human resource solutions at the Las Vegas Convention Center, making it the largest expo SHRM has ever held. 

The tagline "Every move is unique. That's why there are many ways to  go new places® " was scrolled across the front of the booth, encouraging visitors to ask how Atlas systems and programs work in harmony to bring flexible relocation solutions to the marketplace. 

"The show is always well attended in Vegas, but it is tougher to connect with the people you spoke with after exhibit hours are over," described  Christine Sidari, Vice President of Business Development at  Alexander's Mobility Services  (0207). 

"I did notice that lump sum and tiered policy with a lump sum tier offered to younger employees and new hires seemed to be the trend. I spoke to a lot of people about Avail's new tool,  movr™, and they seemed interested to learn more about that product," Christine added.

Todd Janssen, Director of Corporate Accounts for  Paxton Van Lines (1611) also noticed a trend while talking to booth visitors.

Todd said, "It seemed a good majority of the companies are now looking to outsource relocation instead of keeping it in house. Growth in size, whether it is due to acquisition or other factors, has resulted in the need for a national carrier to handle their relocation."

Overall, the Atlas World Group booth staff found the expo be a great avenue to tell human resources professionals about the many ways to  go new places

"It was my first time at a national SHRM event, but I really enjoyed the atmosphere and working with other Atlas Agents," said Todd. "It was also great to make introductions with companies from all over the world. I am already looking forward to next year."

In 2016, the Convention and Expo of the Society for Human Resources Management will be in Washington D.C. from June 19 - 22 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.