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Good Connections Make for Great Relocations

Cornerstone Relocation Group® may technically be a relocation management company, but it does much more than “manage” relocation. Cornerstone makes connections. And the most important connections are the ones Cornerstone makes while transferring employees. Here are stories of two connections among the many that Cornerstone’s Mobility Consultants make every day. 

“Compassionate, knowledgeable, professional.The Cornerstone Mobility Consultant is available 24/7 to connect and help, providing a lifeline for the relocating employee and family.”

Eileen Kaeser, Cornerstone Senior Relocation Consultant, recently assisted the family of a senior executive for a pharmaceutical company. The wife was unhappy about moving. She had a great job and was active in the community. She felt the local schools were superior, and she loved her home. Eileen’s firm knowledge of company policy and gentle guidance throughout the move helped alleviate many of the spouse’s doubts. During the relocation process, Eileen found ways to introduce the woman to people in her new community. One of them offered a lead on a job that was perfect for her. The school search produced a pleasant surprise: schools as good as those in the previous community. Best of all, the family found a home that excited everyone. Although sad to leave the old home, the spouse told Eileen her family will be very happy in the new house. Her kids had already made friends in the neighborhood.

“Being able to eliminate anxiety and stress caused by the challenges of relocation is one of the most rewarding parts of my job,” says Eileen.

Domestic moves can be challenging, but international ones are often daunting. Many moving parts must fall into place at just the right time. Cornerstone Sr. Global Mobility Consultant Sherri Brower thrives on helping international assignees. Her connections with them even help companies avert costly assignment failures. Recently, Sherri worked with a general manager for a major manufacturing company who was taking a three ­year assignment in Europe. All had appeared to go well with the transition to the new country.

“One day, I checked in to let her know a rent payment had been made per her company’s procedures,”says Sherri. “She told me she might cancel the lease and return home because her ten ­year ­old daughter wasn’t adapting.”

Sherri gently probed, getting to the heart of the issue. It turned out the girl missed playing lacrosse. So,Sherri did some research and got in touch with the destination services provider. She found a children’s lacrosse team about an hour away.

“I’m not sure who was more thrilled, the employee or her daughter,” says Sherri.

Sherri and Eileen, like every Cornerstone Mobility Consultant, thrive on helping people. They value their connections and keeping in touch, even after the relocation or assignment is over. They consider it the highest compliment when a relocating employee they have worked with before asks for them again. They know, as does everyone at Cornerstone, good connections with people are integral to great relocations.

Director, Global Operations

By Lina Paskevicius
CRP, Director, Global Operations 
Cornerstone Relocation Group