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Post Tags Cornerstone Relocation Corporate


Business guru Seth Godin, coined the term “the connection economy” to define our current business environment and the value that is created between people. Some of his most straightforward advice for this marketplace can be summed up in eight words: “Be genuine. Be remarkable. Be worth connecting with.”

“At Cornerstone, there is formal, well-defined strategy driving our business forward through 2018, and on to our Vision 2020,” says Janelle Piatkowski, President & CEO, Cornerstone Relocation Group.® “But while the structure of our strategy is more traditional and ‘official,’ underlying it all are the relationships we have built in the industry, which make us distinctive in a field of other companies doing similar work. We strive, always, to be authentic, and to add value to those with whom we are connecting.”

Janelle says that from its early, U.S.-centric operations to today’s globally dynamic organization, Cornerstone has focused on understanding each client’s need and exceeding their expectations.

“We build connections that go beyond traditional, client-customer relationships,” says Janelle. “They know their business priorities are our priorities, too.”

The company’s excellent client retention rates indicate the strength of its connections. Colleague retention is solid, too, at a time when many relocation management companies are challenged to acquire and retain talent.

“We seek those who have a heart to serve, and we show that we value them,” says Janelle. “We provide an extraordinary workplace with the best tools so they can focus on the transferring employee. We enable our people to excel professionally.”

“Globally, we know we must be students of the geopolitical environment to be outstanding stewards of our clients’ talent and to build a service network that is knowledgeable and resourceful. When we began to expand globally, the same insight that built our company continued to work for us: find the best professionals, keep building unique relationships, and show clients the same deep attention to detail and strategy that is our brand. But we didn’t do this alone. In both new business development and global growth initiatives, our relationship with sister companies Atlas International and Atlas Canada is invaluable. They are market-savvy, and their partnership facilitates our growth organically and through acquisition opportunities.”

Connections keep moving Cornerstone forward, says Janelle, as with the steady guidance from its strategic advisory team (Atlas Agents Don Hill, Gregg Imlach, and Rick Meyer). Their insight prompted the company to hire a subject-matter expert in the assignment-management arena (specifically tax, compensation and payroll). This move accelerated growth in the size and scope of Cornerstone’s service centers in EMEA and APAC, contributing to a surge in the company’s growth.

“We have always been genuine,” says Janelle. “Our clients and colleagues have made our relationships remarkable. And we strive, always, to be worthy of their connection with us. That’s a strategy we can grow on.”