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5 game changers helping Atlas® teams adjust to the new normal.

Working from home has become a “new normal” in #TheseTimes. But at the scale of our company, that’s easier said than done! From ramped-up communication efforts to new technology and pandemic policies, here are some of the ways we’ve shifted to make the most of our new, quarantine-friendly culture.

When remote work became mandatory, our IT experts rose to the challenge. With outstanding teamwork and effort, IT assessed the equipment needs of each and every employee and provided everyone with the technology needed to keep doing what they do — from home. It’s because of their hard work and quick response that we continue to stay connected unlike ever before, even though we’re apart.

With so much uncertainty in the company and the world, transparency is key. That’s why, in August, we held our Quarterly Town Hall meeting virtually. Over 500 people from headquarters and the subsidiaries logged in! During this meeting, Chairman and CEO Jack Griffin addressed employees’ questions and concerns and gave an update on how the company is performing during the pandemic.

Atlas’s commitment to the health and safety of our employees remains a top priority. Although some employees are working on rotating schedules between the office and at home, only 25% of the staff are
on the Atlas campus on any given day.

As people do return to the office, new policies are helping to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. These include health screenings for all employees before entering the building, social distancing measures and masking up when not at your desk.

With a majority of the company working remotely, clear and consistent communication has been essential. To keep our employees, agents, subsidiaries and Professional Van Operators (PVOs) up to date,
we created a new page on our intranet site, the Atlas Loop™, for everything "COVI- related". Here, employees can find state and local mandates, recommended guidelines and safety precautions, and any business segment changes related to the pandemic.

Externally, we sent out a timely memo to our private and corporate clients detailing how we are responding to the increasing concerns due to COVID-19, and how we are adjusting our business processes to better protect those we serve. We've also updated our website to feature our new safety procedures front and center.

In response to this unique and unprecedented obstacle, our Human Resource and Legal teams diligently worked on developing a new Pandemic Policy. The policy covers sick leave for COVID-19 infection and gives employees the ability to work from home in the event of school or daycare closures. It also protects our high-risk employees by allowing them the option to work remotely.

COVID-19 is, in many ways, one of the biggest obstacles our company has ever faced. But it’s also proven what we’re made of. When we work together, we can change, adapt and respond proactively to get our business back on track — without risking the safety of the people who make Atlas what it is.