
The online news magazine of Atlas® World Group.


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“This gives us the opportunity to bring corporate-level information into a real-time environment, which will benefit all segments of our business. It makes us more contemporary. You don’t have to wait for a printed piece; it’s already accessible to you, to your customers and to your employees.” 
Katie O’Niones, Editor, Marketing Specialist

Hot off the press in 1954, the magazine of Atlas World Group was composed of 12 pages of white paper, black typewriter font, and bits of hand written text filled in here or there.

As you hold volume 65 in your hands, it’s easy to see how far the Amplifier has come.  It has evolved into a professionally designed piece of Atlas artwork that tells the story of our family in vivid color.

Now in its 60th year as our corporate magazine, the Amplifier is evolving a little further. In this winter edition, the Amplifier makes its debut as an online publication.

Built as a microsite of the Atlas Van Lines website, the Amplifier has fully embraced its new role online. It resembles some of the most popular news outlets on the web. It allows Atlas to quickly and efficiently share stories about household moving, corporate relocation, logistics, and happenings in the Atlas community.

“Putting the Amplifier online is a content-driven marketing approach to improve our SEO,” says Ryan McConnell, Vice President of Corporate Marketing. “We want to get as much traffic as possible to our van line website to grow the SEO value of that environment.”

“We’re following best in class standards for journalism. For example, if you read USA Today, they have as much foothold in the internet environment as they do in the print environment. We’re doing the right thing,” Ryan says.

The most exciting thing about the online Amp is the dynamic functions that don’t exist in a printed magazine. Visitors can watch videos, use the search bar to find articles, sort articles by agent or brand name, and easily find articles on related topics. If a reader finds a story particularly interesting, with just a few clicks it can be shared across their social networks.

According to Ryan, “It is very Atlas-centric; it allows us to spotlight agents’ stories in a dynamic, real-time manner. If we get a good story, whether it’s a philanthropic effort, a great move experience, or recognition of an employee, PVO or crew member, it’s a story about today, not six months ago.”

For now, the Amplifier will continue to be printed twice a year and will feature new stories not previously seen online. This print edition specifically, a bit wider and a little lighter, earmarks the new age.