
The online news magazine of Atlas® World Group.


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"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
- Benjamin Franklin

After nearly three years of research and a major capital outlay, Atlas® World Group International (AWGI) is seeing the worth of an investment in a new operating system, Moveware.
“We launched in January,” says Tim Hall, Vice President of Business Development.
“In summary, Moveware gives us a means to engineer wonderful experiences for agents, clients, and customers.”
Tim says the platform is an all-in-one solution that brings together every aspect of business—lead management, supplier management, pricing, finance, claims, and operations.
“The system is powerful,” says Tim. “We’ll be releasing its features as we make a complete transition for AWGI.”
A Breeze for Reporting
“We showcased the benefits of Moveware in our pitch to a new client,” says Chris Jones, Vice President of Sales, Apex Moving & Storage (0278). “They were particularly impressed with the reporting capabilities—a big factor in their decision to award us business.”
Moveware’s portals put the right tools in the hands of users, whether agent, client, or customer. They can see virtually any piece of the relocation they need to see.
“Users get accurate information that is easy to grasp, when they need it,” says Tim. “It gives them a comprehensive toolset for their global relocation.”
Complementing the Human Touch
For AWGI, Moveware adds strength to an already-robust sales and service team.
“Over the last year-and-a-half, we have refined our service delivery for unmatched customer experiences,” says Tim. “The high quality scores our clients are showing us attest to this. With our largest client, the 12-month rolling average is 95.6% in customer satisfaction.”

AtlasInternational_MoveWare.png“I can’t overstate how much the Atlas sales team brings on behalf of my business,” says Chris. “They have a gift for understanding a company’s culture. And when there is a bump, they handle it.”
“We’ve worked hard to earn the trust of our agents, providing services to help them win and retain business,” says Tim. “This extends to us working non-traditional hours—evenings, weekends, holidays. We want our agents, clients and customers to ‘breathe easy,’ knowing their global moves are in the best of hands.”