
The online news magazine of Atlas® World Group.


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World map of Atlas International locations

When we set out to broaden and entrench the Atlas brand globally, we engaged our closest suppliers. After more than 60 years of global experience with overseas moving agents, we had selected a core group of vetted network partners who represent our service expectations and value system. 

“Five years ago, Atlas began implementing a vision of an Atlas-certified global moving network,” says  Matthew Hagenah, Director of Operations. We established our first overseas service footprint in England with Fox Moving & Storage. Today, Atlas-licensed affiliates provide consistent, Atlas-quality service in 20 countries. We continue to grow the network with a focus on Asia and Latin America. By establishing a trusted network of agents across the continents, our customers gain assurance of Atlas service quality wherever their employees go.” 

As you would expect, there are thousands of moving providers around the globe. So which ones are potential representatives of the Atlas brand?

“Our partners typically have membership in key associations and meet standardized benchmarks,” says  Jim Gaw, President & COO,  Atlas International. “These associations include BAR (British Association of Removers), IAM (International Association of Movers), FIDI (Fédération Internationale des Déménageurs Internationaux), and LACMA (Latin American & Caribbean Movers Association).” 

Partners possess strong brand recognition in their home country, a low claims ratio, financial stability, and a high standard for ethical practices. “It’s essential for our partners to understand corporate relocation,” says Jim. “Our licensing represents much more than an operating agreement—we’re establishing robust, long-term relationships.”

Towards Harmony: A Common Platform 

As you can guess, “growing global” comes with challenges. Every country has its own laws and unique mix of languages, customs, and cultures. A consistent move experience takes not only the right people in place, but systems to support their cooperation. 

“We’re taking the first steps now to build a technology platform that will enhance communication and customer service,” says Matthew. 

The system will entail a cloud-based sharing of files—inventories, bills of lading, customs documents—documents that are critical to service delivery. 

“We want every provider in the supply chain to see what they need, when they need it, and communicate easily in real time with no data loss,” says Matthew. “Everyone will have the same information—always accurate, always current.”

For now, the team is taking “first things first,” putting the IT plan together so the architecture can be built. With the momentum of  Vision 2018, the Atlas World Group strategic plan, they are united in purpose and confident of success.