
The online news magazine of Atlas® World Group.


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The trend at Atlas Logistics® is growth. And it shows no signs of slowing.

“We have a couple of important efforts underway,” says Phil Wahl, Senior Vice President & General Manager. “First of all, we’re investing in major upgrades for our systems—things that will make it easier to do business with us, whether you’re an agent, a vendor, or a carrier.”  

Phil says such improvements are key, especially for agents in the Atlas network. “By making our systems more efficient, we’re enabling our agents to be more productive.”

Of particular importance, upgrades at Titan® Global Distribution in St. Louis include a new operating system that allows integration with AtlasNet.®

“Those who interact with us now have a seamless experience,” says Matt VanderLinde, Vice President, Business Development. “The person serving them may be located in our headquarters, or in St. Louis, or working remotely. Regardless, the customer experience is consistent.”  

Answering the Capacity Challenge

During the last week of March, Atlas Logistics® introduced a new pricing method. It goes hand-in-hand with an upgrade to the estimating system for pad-wrapped special products shipments. All of it is designed to bring Atlas better engagement with opportunities in the market and provide more flexibility when pricing.

“We can now adjust quickly to market changes, such as fluctuations in capacity,” says Phil. “We can flex in response to regional conditions, so we are more surgical in our ability to compete and win business.”

“Our strategic goal from day one has been growth,” says Matt. “We’ve seen good growth and expect to see more with the right tools in place.”

“Technology and pricing are having a positive impact for Atlas Logistics,” says Phil. “They are making us more responsive and providing efficiencies that support better business.”