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Real Estate Referral Program Screenshot

“According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 40 million people move each year,” says Gary Bialowas, Senior Vice President, Ace Relocation Systems, Inc. (0096). “A large portion use the services of Real Estate Agents. They are an almost unlimited pool for referrals, which tend to close at a very high rate.” Like Gary, a growing number of Atlas sales and marketing professionals see great potential in this segment of the market. And they are successfully cultivating relationships that produce a steady stream of referrals and moves.

Earlier this year, Atlas Marketing consulted several of these Agents to learn how they develop such opportunities in their markets. Their ideas form the basis for a new program of marketing support. Now on the Atlas Loop™, it gives every Atlas Agent access to best practices, tips, and tools for growing their business in the real estate niche.

Farming vs. Hunting
Atlas Agents agree that a great way to cultivate long-term success as a salesperson it is to take time to "farm" relationships that produce results over time, from central locations where there are many opportunities. This practice is a great effort to add to “hunting“ for a move, which does produce results, but involves contacting individual home sellers directly and one at a time. For farming, it takes a steady, deliberate and patient effort to build trust over time. But the rewards are many.

“Anyone involved in the sale or purchase of their own residence has to move,” says Gary. “The relocation is a natural extension of the home sale process. So why not partner with someone who can enable you to win this business from many home sellers at one time?”

Atlas Agent: Find it on the Loop

The Atlas Real Estate Marketing Program contains best practices, tips, and a toolkit for cultivating referrals from real estate professionals. Components include:

• "No Need to be Alarmed" Furniture Video: A new communications piece in the toolkit: a short, lighthearted message for introducing Atlas Agent services to Real Estate Agents.

• Best Practices: Nine practical and proven methods for building relationships that generate referrals.

For example: Crafting A Promotional Offer
Real estate professionals look for reasons to refer you, and added value for their customers is a welcome incentive. Having an offer (such as a free starter kit for packing or an extra month of storage) can provide a boost to your initial efforts. You decide what will work in your market.

• Toolkit: A digest of 17 collateral pieces to choose from for your own promotional mix.