
The online news magazine of Atlas® World Group.



For the Davis family, the 2017 holiday season brought more than gifts under the tree. As part of a Wounded Warrior Project®, a new home awaited the family just in time for the holidays, filled with their belongings, thanks to a move donated by Atlas Agent, Imlach Group (1130).

Weichert Transportation Solutions first alerted Imlach leadership of the Davis’ need. From then on, it was all hands on deck for the Imlach team.

“The recipients of Wounded Warriors have given their time and lives to support our freedom that we experience every day,” says Lynda Drumsta, Imlach Group (1130). “The Imlach’s and the employees appreciate this and were thrilled to be able to give back to them.”

The Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) in a non-profit organization serving veterans and service members who incurred physical or mental injury during their service on or post-September 11, 2001. The WWP offers a variety of programs and services to support wounded warriors and their families. To learn more, visit www.woundedwarriorproject.org.