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Nelson Westerberg teamed up with Sodexo Healthcare, Sinai Health System, the Greater Chicago Food
Depository™, and Move For Hunger™ to join the fight against food insecurity and help feed Chicago families
in need.

Sodexo Healthcare, a leader in quality of life services, has been instrumental in providing resources and support to those in which they serve amid the COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting economic impact. In September of this year, Nelson Westerberg assisted with Sodexo’s charitable mission to ensure a surplus of emergency ready-to-eat meals (MRE) from Detroit did not go to waste.

In collaboration with Sodexo Healthcare and Move For Hunger, Nelson Westerberg successfully transported 139 pallets of these MRE meals from Michigan to Chicago to the Sinai Community Institute and the Greater Chicago Food Depository. This haul required two trucks, six trips, and spanned over a three-day period to complete.

“As a company founded in Chicago, when we heard about the opportunity from our partners at Move For Hunger to help transport emergency meals to the local community, we were more than happy to offer our services and give back during these challenging times,” said Gregory Koehlinger, Executive Vice President of NEWESCO, Inc. “We especially want to express our gratitude to the Nelson Westerberg Professional Van Operators who did the physical legwork on this move: Jeff Olsen, Jim Kennedy, and Tom Allen.”

Giving back has always been a priority that resonates through Nelson Westerberg and their employees. They
are a passionate advocate for fighting food insecurity through their active support with Move For Hunger, a
non-profit that fights nationwide hunger by gathering nonperishable items from household moves and distributing them to community food banks. The company also supports other nonprofit organizations, including Holiday Heroes and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

To learn more about Nelson Westerberg, visit www.nelsonwesterberg.com.
To learn more about Sodexo Healthcare, visit www.sodexo.com.
To learn more about Sinai Health System, visit www.sinai.org.
To learn more about the Greater Chicago Food Depository, visit www.chicagosfoodbank.org.
To learn more about Move For Hunger, visit www.moveforhunger.org.