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John Lance
, NMS Moving Systems, Inc. (2015), was handed a huge honor at the 99 th Annual California Moving and Storage Association Convention in Rancho Mirage, Calif., physically and figuratively speaking. As Senior CMSA Chairman Robert Fraser handed John the ceremonial gavel on the evening of Saturday, May 6, John became the 2017-2018 CMSA Chairman, a long anticipated accomplishment.

“Being a member of the CMSA is valuable in many ways. As Chairman I want to figure out ways to make the moving and storage industry attractive to our younger generation,” says John. “I will be traveling up and down California visiting all of our chapters and a lot of their agencies. It is amazing to me that we are all in the same business, but we have different ways of operating in a lot of cases. I love to hear what works for some and what doesn’t.”

John has 43 years of industry experience under his belt. His journey with Atlas Agent, NMS Moving Systems, Inc., began over 30 years ago, and John has been involved in the CMSA since 1993. He says interacting with other agencies involved inspired him to become a CMSA member. John has been on the CMSA Board of Directors for 15 years now.

“You have to love what you do, or you should get out of it. I have always enjoyed what I do and take great pride in it. Believe me it isn’t always roses, but it is challenging. I have always enjoyed a challenge,” says John.

Upon accepting his role as chairman, John proposed his charity to the CMSA board for the Chairman’s Choice Charity Program. With board approval, the CMSA will contribute $5,000 to the Muscular Dystrophy Association by John’s choice, a charity that hits close to home for the Lance family. John’s younger brother was diagnosed with Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy 15 years ago.
In a statement published by The Communicator, a CMSA newsletter, John expressed his gratitude toward CMSA Senior Chairman Patrick Longo for initially suggesting the Chairman’s Choice program.
“My brother was one of the best van operators our industry has ever seen and it seemed like overnight this disease took him down. Don’t take your health for granted as you never know what tomorrow will bring,” says John. “Going through the chairs these last couple of years, I could not wait to announce my charity. It means a lot to me.”
As Chairman, John intends to focus on moving the industry forward. According to John’s statement in The Communicator, he believes the fate of the industry lies in the ability of industry leaders to embrace the future.

“Our industry, like many others, is going through a transitional period. It seems like every time I turn around there is some new electronic program that is available to us to improve our business. We need to keep up with these changes, and in order to do this, we need to get our younger generation involved,” says John.

The CMSA is non-profit trade association established in 1916, representing reputable movers across the state of California. The CMSA encompasses 12 chapters located throughout California and provides a wealth of educational opportunities, industry forums, and programs to its members. Members are required to be licensed, insured and must agree to abide by a Code of Ethics protecting the rights of California moving consumers.